USE (Union pour la Solidarité et l’Entraide)

Logo USE

Begun in 1961 as an association in Dakar, Senegal, in 1985 USE became a NGO with the aim of promoting solidarity and mutual help in Senegal, Africa and worldwide. It also furthers participatory approches to increase local development. USE promotes activities for young people and women as well as training at the Centre Amadou Malick Gaye (CAMG). In the health caare sector USE specializes in eye surgery, and since 2000 has seen 27,000 people a year for eye consultancy and performed 1,100 cataract interventions.

Within the framework of this project, collaboration with MUSOCO is continuous. USE offers

logistical support by hosting MUSOCO on their premises. In turn, MUSOCO collaborates with USE’s specialized eye-care personel. USE has friendly relationships with Senegalese civil society and has compiled lists of patients to visit at the “Clinic”.

Associazione MANI

Operating in the Parma area, Association MANI’s objectives are to work for social issues, to promote welfare, and to raise awareness through cooperative activities with countries in the Southern Hemisphere. Its mission is to promote, organize and encourage decentralized and international cooperation initiatives that aim at developmental and social responsibility. By this process it hopes to contribute towards overcoming the causes of poverty and social injustice.

Associazione CUCI

Since 2005 the University Centre for International Cooperation in Parma has been working on


raising and coordinating University funds for the development of countries in the southern hemisphere while also promoting relations between the university and local instituitions. The main activities of the University Centre for International Cooperation include:


  • Promotion of human rights and social and economic improvement in developing countries.
  • Promotion of relations between the university, institutional disciplines, and citizens who share the same goals and are willing help to realize common projects.


The CUCI is part of the University of Parma and can therefore undertake numerous interdisciplinary research programs, international cooperation projects and experimental activities aimed at improving knowledge of conditions which help human and social devolopment in extremely poor countries. It can also engage in promotional initiatives in Parma and the region. In collaboration with the University of Parma and with the help of 150 academics (professors, researchers, graduate students and collaborators within the 18 departments) CUCI also organizes scientific and non scientific conferences.



Logo Maniverso

MANIVERSO Onlus is a humanitarian association founded in Venice-Mestre in 2004 with the mission of helping to improve living conditions, especially of young people, in developing countries or wherever the need may exist. It promotes cooperation projects serving vulnerable groups of society that aim to provide information, health care, teaching, training and defense of men’s and women's rights.